- Flip Side - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 6:36
- A Space In Time - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 1:45
- Breathe Under Water - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 3:00
- New Life - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 4:55
- Movement - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 1:45
- Emotional Growth - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 2:12
- Inner Fire - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 1:50
- A Good Life - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 2:07
- Things That Get Harder - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 3:03
- Different Speeds - A SPACE IN TIME Robin Schlochtermeier 2:10

Feature Documentary
Directors: Riccardo Servini & Nick Taussig
Production Company: Salon Pictures
Supported by the British Film Institute
Distribution: Bohemia
A wonderful film, my second collaboration with Salon Pictures. I had worked a great deal before with Riccardo Servini – he edited many independent films I worked on a few years ago, including Healey’s House. I immediately felt at home working with him on this score.
There are four main character themes, belonging to Clara (the mother), Nick (the father), Theo and Oskar (the two older brothers who suffer from Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy), and Luca (the youngest son).
The two themes for the parents Clara and Nick are based on notes below and just above the root note of Theo and Oskar’s theme, moving up and down respectively, thereby enveloping the root area of Theo and Oskar’s theme in a musical metaphor of parental protection and care.
Theo and Oskar’s theme is hopeful and consists of slow, steady steps upward, signifying their resilience and willingness to carry on despite their conditions. Finally, the root note of Luca’s theme is situated above all the rest of them, bringing lightness and “new energy” to the family unit when he is born.
As all these themes are so closely situated together, moving in between them is a fluid and easy process, mirroring the similarities between family members. The result is a hopeful, fairly homogenous score with tonal shifts that are gradual and gentle.
Instrument-wise this score is more traditional than some of my other recent work. I felt it was important that the music not be showy or overly egotistical. The main aim was to support the story emotionally and provide a humanistic, caring commentary on the family life unfolding in front of us.